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Age Of Empires definitive edition
The Age Of Empire saga returns with this new installment, boasting a 20-year history, bringing you the remastered version of the first episode with added storylines and content. Discover the new features of the famous strategy game in numerous campaigns promising dozens of hours of gameplay.
Gameplay of Age Of Empires definitive edition
Graphics revisited
Age Of Empires now benefits from modern graphics engines, and offers you an occasional overhaul of its environments for a successful visual experience retaining the character of the original game. Animations have also been reworked to give a more fluid and immersive feel, and the re-orchestrated music is sure to immerse you in Age Of Empires' historical ambience.
A game more complete than ever
Age Of Empires definitive edition isn't simply a switch to 4k, with numerous additions on offer here. You'll find new game modes inked to the zeitgeist, and a host of new elements to give you more freedom when building your empire.
In addition to the original campaign mode scenario with its reworked narrative and pace, you'll also find the new Rise Of Rome expansion, for a total of over 40H of gameplay.
Write the story
The scenario editor is one of the most complete in the world, and thanks to the many additions in the edition, you'll be able to create your own scenarios, letting your creativity run wild.
A complete multiplayer mode
Age Of Empires definitive edition finally offers a multiplayer mode in which you can take part in clashes involving up to 8 players simultaneously.
Online games now offer brand-new features and competitive modes to provide you with an excellent gaming experience, whatever your player profile.
Release date: February 20, 2018