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Starfield, the interstellar adventure from Bethesda Game Studios, takes you on a journey through a galaxy rich in mystery and discovery. On your adventure, you'll discover human colonies on uncharted planets, explore vast star systems and uncover precious artifacts scattered across the galaxy.
Join Constellation and go on an adventure
In 2330, humanity has extended its reach beyond our solar system. Join the movement and go on an adventure with Constellation, a team of intrepid space travelers on a mission to discover precious artifacts. With Bethesda Game Studios' biggest and boldest game to date, you'll explore new frontiers and test the limits of human ingenuity.
Explore the galaxy and discover new horizons
In Starfield, you'll explore a rich and varied world that stretches across entire star systems. In each system you'll explore, you'll find human colonies, precious artifacts, unexplored worlds and mysteries to unravel. With your spaceship, you can navigate through space and explore the galaxy's most remote corners.
Get ready for an unprecedented interstellar adventure!