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Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
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K4g : Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition Europe Steam CD Key

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3.49 €
Gamesplanet : Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition

23.99 €
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Version boite pour l’Europe
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
Purchase Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition on and enjoy the ultimate experience! All DLC is included, representing over 30 hours of gameplay. The resolution is 1080p, and the graphics rendering engine has been enhanced for better visual quality, with improved management of lighting effects and shadows. Level, character and environment graphics have also been improved. Mort vit!
Contents of the Deathinitive edition:
- Darksiders II and all its DLC included and integrated in-game for over 30 hours of gameplay
- Reworked game balancing and loot distribution
- Improved graphics rendering engine for better visual quality, specifically for light and shadow effects management
- Improved level, character and environment graphics
- Runs at native 1080p resolution
Contains DLC:
- Maker Armor Set
- The Abyssal Forge
- The Demon Lord Belial
- Death Rides
- Angel of Death
- Deadly Despair
- Shadow of Death
- Mortis Pack
- Van Der Schmash Hammer
- Fletcher's Crow Hammer
- Mace Maximus
- Argul's Tomb