From €5.79
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Watch_Dogs 2 - Season Pass
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Version et clé pour l’Europe
Gamesplanet : Watch_Dogs 2 - Season Pass

5.79 €
Société Française - Clés officielles - Livraison Garantie !
Instantgaming : Watch Dogs 2 Season Pass - Europe

6.07 €
Version boite pour l’Europe
Full description of Watch_Dogs 2 - Season Pass
Buy the Season Pass for Watch_Dogs® 2 at to enjoy exclusive missions, new co-op modes, bonus outfits, vehicles and customization items at a great price!
Season Pass features
- DLC 1: T-Bone Content Pack - Adopt the style of legendary hacker T-Bone Grady with his truck and outfit, and discover a new co-op difficulty mode.
- DLC 2: Human Conditions - Discover several hours of exclusive content and reveal San Francisco's biggest scientific scandals.
- DLC 3: Uncompromising - In this never-before-seen chapter, Marcus will be led to discover the creepiest part of San Francisco and escape the henchmen of the Russian mafia! Includes a new co-op mode.
- Root Access Pack - Includes a full outfit, customization elements for car, drone and weapon, as well as the mission "The Zodiac Killer".
- Psychedelic Pack - Customization elements for outfit, weapon, drone and car.
To activate Watch_Dogs 2 - Season Pass on Ubisoft Connect, follow the instructions found here.