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Bear With Me - Episode 1-3: an episodic dark adventure game
Buy Bear With Me - Episode 1-3 as a Steam key on FrsGames.com. In this episodic noir adventure game, Amber attempts to find her missing brother and is assisted by her teddy bear, Ted E. Bear.
Episode 1
Harried by nightmares, Amber wakes in the night to find her brother Flint missing. She enlists the help of Ted E. Bear, a grumpy retired detective, and the duo set out to find clues and interview witnesses. But a mysterious "red man" is also looking for young Amber.
Episode 2
Amber and Ted investigate the burnt-out steelworks and discover new suspects who could shed new light on the case. But could Reef King be behind the events?
Episode 3
In the third and final episode of Bear With Me, Ted must find kidnapped Amber and arrest the Red Man to put an end to the case once and for all. The game ends on a high note with its share of demos as Amber finally confronts Rouge.