From €0.58
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Cities: Skylines - Campus Radio
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Version et clé pour l’Europe
K4g : Cities: Skylines - Campus Radio Steam CD Key

-10% avec le code: FRSGAMES10
0.58 €
Gamivo : Cities: Skylines - Campus Radio DLC EU

0.58 €
Instantgaming : Cities: Skylines - Campus Rock Radio

1.00 €
Gamesplanet : Cities: Skylines - Campus Radio

3.59 €
Société Française - Clés officielles - Livraison Garantie !
Version boite pour l’Europe
Cities: Skylines - Campus Radio
Live your youthful years anew with Cities: Skylines - Campus Radio. Discover a diverse music collection featuring College Rock, Teen Pop, Happy Punk and Power Chord. Let DJ Claude Couture set the mood with his 16 unique songs! You can buy Cities: Skylines - Campus Radio on Steam key at
.Song list
Cities: Skylines - Campus Radio includes the following songs:
- All Time High: Helium, Teen Town, Whispers
- Check For Pulse : Anywhere (where you're not), I'm Not
- Glendale Social Club: Crossfire, Long Story Short
- Los Chick: Losing You, Open Arms
- River Twins : Everyone Else, My Physical Bromance, Something New, Star Of The Show
- Space Specials: Smudge
- The Wilsons: Desperation, Will You Ever Be The Same
Don't miss this opportunity to relive your college years in music with Cities: Skylines - Campus Radio!