From €1.54
Tax included
If you are looking to purchase Clustertruck at a lower price, you have come to the right place. We offer you a price comparison tool that allows you to easily compare the offers available on the internet. You'll be able to find the best price for your game and get a product key to play Clustertruck as quickly as possible. Our tool also gives you the chance to find promotional offers, so you can save even more money. So don't hesitate to compare prices to buy your cheap Clustertruck game and enjoy the game right away!

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ClusterTruck: a breathtaking platform game
Discover ClusterTruck, a thrilling platform game set on a highway! You'll have to challenge yourself with agility and acrobatics in incredible, testing levels, and all this while playing on the roofs of trucks that can adopt unpredictable behavior!
The game gets even more complicated when hazards like flying hammers, lasers and flamethrowers join the party!
ClusterTruck features
ClusterTruck offers players the following features:
- A campaign mode that gradually becomes more and more evil.
- The ability to unlock new abilities such as the Grappling Hook, Truck Cannon and Time Control!
- A level editor
- A Steam Workshop support to share player-created levels
- A replay system
- Online leaderboards
Are you ready? Then buy ClusterTruck on Steam key at and start your adventure!