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Want to find the best price for Two Point Hospital: The Fancy Dress Pack? We offer you the opportunity to compare prices online and save on your purchase. Thanks to our price comparison service, you're sure to find the lowest price for this Two Point Hospital add-on, and you'll be able to get a key to play it quickly. What's more, you'll be able to take advantage of the best promotions and special offers offered by the merchants who sell this product. Don't waste any more time and compare prices for Two Point Hospital: The Fancy Dress Pack right now!

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Gamesplanet : Two Point Hospital: The Fancy Dress Pack

4.99 €
Société Française - Clés officielles - Livraison Garantie !
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Two Point Hospital: The Fancy Dress Pack
Buy Two Point Hospital's exotic costume pack from and give your staff a makeover! Whether you want to impress your patients with magical powers, wow your colleagues or terrify people in the queue, this pack offers a variety of eccentric outfits and outrageous headdresses.
- Brother of the Coast
- Fashionable
- Big fish
- Groovy outfit
- Disco attire
- Colored clothing
- English class
- Roman legion
- Penguin costume
- Horse head
- Big bad wolf
- Horned helmet
- Magical hair
- Bunny ears
- Drinking helmet
- Venetian mask
- Mysterious disguise
- Tombola
- Cake sale
- Coin drop
- Wall decor
- Hat rack
- Costume case
So what are you waiting for? Buy Two Point Hospital: The Fancy Dress Pack now at and get partying!