From €89.99
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Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition (Epic)
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Gamesplanet : Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition (Epic)

89.99 €
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Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition (Epic): the ultimate version of the game
Purchase Borderlands 3 Ultimate Edition (Epic) as an Epic key at and discover the total Borderlands 3 experience, with the critically acclaimed base game, all 6 additional contents and all bonus cosmetic packs! Explore different worlds with up to 3 other Ark Hunters and battle ultimate brutasses.
Content included in the Ultimate Edition
The Ultimate Edition of Borderlands 3 includes the Season Pass and Season Pass 2. The former includes 4 additional campaigns: Le Casse du Beau Jackpot, Flingues, Amour and Tentacules: Le Mariage de Wainwright.