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Following the events of Marvel's Spider-Man Remastered, teenager Miles Morales adjusts to his new home and follows in his mentor Peter Parker's footsteps as the new Spider-Man. But when a fierce power struggle threatens to destroy his new home, the budding hero realizes that with great power comes great responsibility. In order to save all of Marvel's New York, Miles must assume the role of Spider-Man and own it.
An optimized version for Miles Morales
With the optimized version of Spider-Man Miles Morales, players can explore Miles' unique abilities and learn to master his poisonous bio-electric attacks, as well as his hidden camouflage power. What's more, Miles can have fun using acrobatics, gadgets and spectacular abilities, making him a very interesting superhero to control.
A Marvel world to save
In Spider-Man Miles Morales, players must face a fierce power struggle and save Marvel's New York. In order to complete his mission, Miles must learn to master his unique abilities and use his gadgets and acrobatics to defeat evil and restore peace.
Join Miles Morales and save Marvel's New York in Spider-Man Miles Morales!