From €2.02
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Mortal Kombat X Kombat Pack 2
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Version et clé pour l’Europe
Gamivo : Mortal Kombat X - Kombat Pack 2 DLC EN/DE/FR/IT/PT/RU/ES Global

2.02 €
K4g : Mortal Kombat X: Kombat Pack 2 Steam CD Key

-10% avec le code: FRSGAMES10
2.70 €
Instantgaming : Mortal Kombat X: Kombat Pack 2

3.25 €
Gamesplanet : Mortal Kombat X Kombat Pack 2

15.99 €
Société Française - Clés officielles - Livraison Garantie !
Version boite pour l’Europe
Mortal Kombat X Kombat Pack 2
Buy Mortal Kombat X Kombat Pack 2 on Steam key at!
Kombat Pack 2 gives access to 4 new playable characters, as well as previously released content such as Goro, the Kold War appearance pack and 2 klassic Fatality packs. New characters include the infamous Leatherface and the Xenomorph from Alien. Bo Rai Cho and Triborg the Cyber-ninja also join the game. Also includes the Apocalypse pack and three new character appearances.