From €8.99
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Iron Danger - Supporter Pack
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Gamesplanet : Iron Danger - Supporter Pack

8.99 €
Société Française - Clés officielles - Livraison Garantie !
Version boite pour l’Europe
Iron Danger - Supporter Pack : A collection of bonus content and goodies
Buy Iron Danger - Supporter Pack as a Steam key at and support the Iron Danger developers! Immerse yourself further in the world of Iron Danger with the game's artbook, graphic novel and original soundtrack!
What you get now
- The Iron Danger artbook (208 pages)
- The "Iron Danger Chronicles - Moratta" graphic novel (128 pages)
- The game's original soundtrack - duration 131 minutes
- A collection of wallpapers
What you'll receive soon
A surprise in-game cosmetic item as a token of our eternal gratitude!